Monday, February 25, 2013

Human interaction

I had some ideas on how the human and cat interact with each other. These are the resulting concepts.

Looking a new way

My latest ideas are a little less home furniture and more experimental.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Exploring furniture and moving forward

In the past week I have been exploring possible furniture options that would involve the human and cat. I learned many ways to make these products usable and attractive for both parties.
My goal now is to break away from the idea of this product being furniture only. It could turn out to be a great number of things. If nothing else works out, I have my current furniture concepts to fall back on.

Monday, February 11, 2013

This is to help make things a little more clear on what I am designing towards.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Work to date

 I did some research on indoor cats and found that destructive scratching was a large problem. I set out to solve this by testing some cat scratchers. The tests showed me one fact in the end. Trees are the best cat scratchers. I need to find a way to bring the things a tree provides for a cat, into the home.
My goal is to do this in an elegant way that makes the tree seem more like furniture for people. Below I have shown a few simple way in which indoor furniture might be purposed for a cats use.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Project postings will continue once these cats get some attention.
Maybe I should do this at school.

Project Roots

The roots of this project came from my own pet cats.

When getting new indoor cats, there are a number of products needed to support them. Things such as food and water dishes with a litter box are the essentials. Many cat owners want more then this to keep their cats entertained. I was one of these individuals so I set off in search of products for my new kittens.

The problem was, I couldn't find any cat products that would look good in my home. Almost everything was wood covered in cheap looking carpet. Surely this was not the whole market, there must be more cat furniture out there right.... right?

After walking through Petco, Petsmart, Pet Food Express and surfing the web I came to an astonishing conclusion. These places all sell the same over priced junk, and I dont like the way any of it looks.

Starting things up at 8:11pm, 2/7/2013